The excitement around the technology of blocking, which has appeared for another 9 years, but began to spread to a wide range of areas to ensure decentralization and other benefits only in recent years, as well as around the crypto-currencies for which technology was originally created, more. Their popularity is increasing with their widespread use, and developers from all over the world are increasingly creating many effective solutions based on them.
Currently, there is a pre-order token in the eCoinomic project . It promises to be quite promising and successful, so we decided to discuss the platform that will be created in the process of its implementation. In this and the following two articles, we will talk about what the project is, to whom it is designed and how it will be able to change the situation that has developed in the use of crypto-currency for the better.
It is very important that the project does not turn out to be similar to existing solutions, so we found out how it will differ from all other platforms providing similar opportunities. Already from the first minutes of acquaintance with eCoinomic trust, at least the fact that already at the stage of carrying out the pre-shed its tokens, the founders of the project have taken care of the ICO participants knowing where they are spending their money.
Therefore, already now an alpha version of the future platform is functioning, so that absolutely every user can familiarize himself with the basic capabilities of the future eCoinomic platform. To begin with, we will know what it will be and what opportunities it will open.

Available credit platform

eCoinomic - a platform that uses blocking technology to provide one user from the number of participants in the crypto-currency market the ability to borrow, and others to provide them. In addition, the platform provides opportunities for short-term and long-term investment, hedging, as well as provides access to rapid crypto-currency payments and operates as a crypto exchange. 
On the one hand, the platform will indeed be a kind of intermediary between participants providing loans and participants who will take out loans, but the advantages of such a "middleman" is that by using effective technology of the block, the platform will be as reliable and safe, and commission - the minimum, in comparison with other decisions, including decentralized.
The advantages of blocking technology will be realized through the use of smart contracts Ethereum Blockchain. Due to this, the role of this intermediary will be performed not by the platform directly, but by a reliable smart contract that will ensure the reliability of such indirect cooperation between the participants. In addition, the transactions themselves will be carried out as quickly and safely as possible, because they will be transferred exclusively through block circuits.

Finite loans secured by a crypto currency

This is what will be the essential, but not the only, difference between the platform and those similar to it. Many platforms that seem to be similar to eCoinomic provide the participants of the crypto-currency market with the opportunity to borrow loans for business development or for other purposes, allowing to receive credit exclusively using internal tokens. 
eCoinomic went a completely different way. Their idea is that some users can provide credit to others through the use of a platform, and in local currency. Crypto currency, in turn, will be used only as collateral, which will be entered into a smart contract.
Thus, the loan itself will be provided to the user in one of the existing official fiat currencies. These can be US dollars, European euros, British pounds sterling, Japanese yen, Swiss francs or Chinese yuan.
In order to ensure a loan repayment by the user, he will need to deposit a security deposit that will be effected in one of the main crypto currencies (BTC, ETH, LCH, BCH, XRP, EOS, NEO, ETC, ADA, TRX, DASH or CNC platform tokens ), and subsequently returned to the client immediately after the fulfillment of credit obligations.
For such services eCoinomic will charge a certain commission, which will be minimal, in comparison with other platforms and existing traditional financial institutions, and will depend on the size of the loan.

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