LOL ecosystem is solely designed to empower the World 

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Th first thing i feel i need to let my readers know is what blockchain is all about and how it can transform Global Education positively? Most people are not aware of Blockchain technology and how it works.There is need for massive Global enlightenment on how this Technology functions , its potentials and how it can revolutionize the entire World positively. Education simply means impacting knowledge in Generations from the Collective truth. It simply based on trusting the Authority of Learning institution in the area of research and teaching they are representing Blockchain is simply a distributed ledger technology . It aids consensus due to its record keeping nature. In addition, the technology is highly transparent , users within the chain can validate and download various individual ledgers..The amazing feature of blockchain is that it cant be altered , its just permanent . Its almost a decade since the release of a whitepaper that defined the Blockchain P2P distributed ledger which metamorphose into the first Global Cryptocurrency which is Bitcoin. Blockchain will be highly effective in Education industry, although there series of industries that has adopted this technology. There are lots of shortcoming in the traditional Global education sectors which Blockchain is set to correct . The Team of Learn Online after having studied all shortcoming in traditional centralized Education and learning Space has come up with a sustainable solution to all these shortcomings . LOL ecosystem is solely designed to empower the World to gain access to the World Class education with the aid of Blockchain technology irrespective of time, location.. Unlike the existing Centralized education system, LOL tends to remove so many barriers and complexities in the learning system and simplify the learning process with the aid of their Decentralized learning materials market place for certification and testing from the European International University. LOL will base their Certification and Referencing on Blockchain and introducing Finger Print Digital Personality Testing by using the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain for recording Data .
High social pressure has lead some young people and professionals to source and go for illegal and inappropriate means obtaining Educational qualification .Social status, uneven distribution of education to masses leads people out of desperation going for heavy loans to sponsor their education and eventually leading to high National debts. Traditional system of learning seems very expensive and making millions of people Worldwide not having access to education . The problem associated to where, when and how to learn is a very serious problem battling the traditional Education system. A very good example ,a Briton wanting to Study in America would need to migrate to that very country to study. Timetable has been designed for learning , he must always meet up with the scheduled time for their lectures.These are really the fundamental problem in education sector and it contribute to reasons why millions wouldn't have access to education .
Lol Platform have so many solutions to the problems which has been mentioned above . The problem is plaguing education sectors Globally. The LOL Platform allow learners to take decision where ,when, how and what to study , thereby preventing the existing Mundane system education and adopting more working model that will empower both the user and the system . LOL Decentralize platform is solely based on blockchain technology, everything is being perfected with the use of Blockchain and the AI . The LOL Ecosystem will enable massed to access education Globally and earning their various qualification at a very affordable cost. Lack of Education is one among the reason why the World hasn't turned to a better place yet as expected. Education Plays some vital role in humans life and society at large. Education improves life , encourage broad thinking and springs out innovations.Millions across the Globe cant access basic education due to their financial in capabilities. LOL Ecosystem with their token economics solution will solve the aforementioned problem . Eventually , LOL Platform will represent a very huge marketplace for learners to enroll for a very quality , Competency based , job skill oriented courses and professional lectures, trainers and instructors across the Globe irrespective of time , money and location.
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Highlights of the LOL Platform
(i) LOL Coins are Ethereum based tokens on blockchain technology . it is the major currency in the LOL Platform and core asset for the LOL Ecosystem . It can be used to buy digital education in the marketplace.

(ii) The LOL Platform is compatible with any device. its works on Mobile apps, desktop and tablet.
(iii) Decentralized : LOL as a decentralized digital learning Market place has diverse source of revenues.
(iv) LOL Winning Team : Lol consist of professionals , they are existing Certified Professionals, technologist, trainers, instructors , lecturers , recruiting and more.
(v) Live RSS FEEDS : This is a medium which live news information about new courses, certification,counselling , registration are being shared to the public.
LOL Education platform is revolutionizing education with integrated Digital learning Platform on Decentralized LOL system. LOL Project is a project which i believe everyone must support . The Platform has been developed by Team of expertise with over 20 years experience of international Education management .This kind of project needs to be supported in other to make the World a more better place for everyone . Education for the masses will improve the World. Apart from that investors will earn high revenue share from their various investment in the future . I recommend everyone to invest in LOL STO and be part of this world amazing revolution and Global initiative. LOL has been established since 1998 with different international School Campuses , business schools and international University in their Portfolio.
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LOL Winning Team
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LOL official Resources
Email for any inquiry
Linkedin: contact individual team member

The excitement around the technology of blocking, which has appeared for another 9 years, but began to spread to a wide range of areas to ensure decentralization and other benefits only in recent years, as well as around the crypto-currencies for which technology was originally created, more. Their popularity is increasing with their widespread use, and developers from all over the world are increasingly creating many effective solutions based on them.
Currently, there is a pre-order token in the eCoinomic project . It promises to be quite promising and successful, so we decided to discuss the platform that will be created in the process of its implementation. In this and the following two articles, we will talk about what the project is, to whom it is designed and how it will be able to change the situation that has developed in the use of crypto-currency for the better.
It is very important that the project does not turn out to be similar to existing solutions, so we found out how it will differ from all other platforms providing similar opportunities. Already from the first minutes of acquaintance with eCoinomic trust, at least the fact that already at the stage of carrying out the pre-shed its tokens, the founders of the project have taken care of the ICO participants knowing where they are spending their money.
Therefore, already now an alpha version of the future platform is functioning, so that absolutely every user can familiarize himself with the basic capabilities of the future eCoinomic platform. To begin with, we will know what it will be and what opportunities it will open.

Available credit platform

eCoinomic - a platform that uses blocking technology to provide one user from the number of participants in the crypto-currency market the ability to borrow, and others to provide them. In addition, the platform provides opportunities for short-term and long-term investment, hedging, as well as provides access to rapid crypto-currency payments and operates as a crypto exchange. 
On the one hand, the platform will indeed be a kind of intermediary between participants providing loans and participants who will take out loans, but the advantages of such a "middleman" is that by using effective technology of the block, the platform will be as reliable and safe, and commission - the minimum, in comparison with other decisions, including decentralized.
The advantages of blocking technology will be realized through the use of smart contracts Ethereum Blockchain. Due to this, the role of this intermediary will be performed not by the platform directly, but by a reliable smart contract that will ensure the reliability of such indirect cooperation between the participants. In addition, the transactions themselves will be carried out as quickly and safely as possible, because they will be transferred exclusively through block circuits.

Finite loans secured by a crypto currency

This is what will be the essential, but not the only, difference between the platform and those similar to it. Many platforms that seem to be similar to eCoinomic provide the participants of the crypto-currency market with the opportunity to borrow loans for business development or for other purposes, allowing to receive credit exclusively using internal tokens. 
eCoinomic went a completely different way. Their idea is that some users can provide credit to others through the use of a platform, and in local currency. Crypto currency, in turn, will be used only as collateral, which will be entered into a smart contract.
Thus, the loan itself will be provided to the user in one of the existing official fiat currencies. These can be US dollars, European euros, British pounds sterling, Japanese yen, Swiss francs or Chinese yuan.
In order to ensure a loan repayment by the user, he will need to deposit a security deposit that will be effected in one of the main crypto currencies (BTC, ETH, LCH, BCH, XRP, EOS, NEO, ETC, ADA, TRX, DASH or CNC platform tokens ), and subsequently returned to the client immediately after the fulfillment of credit obligations.
For such services eCoinomic will charge a certain commission, which will be minimal, in comparison with other platforms and existing traditional financial institutions, and will depend on the size of the loan.

UBCOIN is the market platform

UBCOIN is the market platform built on blockchain that for a peer 2 peer exchange of cryptocurrency to real-life goods. The platform will help an individual to sell/buy his or her goods at ease in exchange and in return he or she will get the UBC token which can to fiat anytime. The only gateway for cryptocurrency now is cryptocurrency to fiat, but because of regulations and banking, Ubcoin is establishing that eliminates the entire restrictions to make buyers buy goods from sellers that need cryptocurrency in a peer 2 peer systems. With the blockchain technology all transactions are secured and transparent to everyone and with UBCOIN anyone can transact anywhere and anytime in the world.
Many people want a simple and safe way to obtain a stake in cryptocurrency, but do not know how. They are not miners, not speculators, just individuals who see added value in investing in cryptocurrency. The number of cryptocurrency owners is projected to increase from a current 22 million to over 200 million by 2020.
Yet these same people are very comfortable with buying and selling on Ebay, Amazon, WeChat, Etsy, Taobao and the like. In 2016, marketplaces accounted for 44% of the world’s $2.44 trillion spent online in 2016.
Cryptocurrency wallets are primarily concentrated on mobile devices, with over 65% of wallets being mobile. Global smartphone penetration is projected to reach 37% by 2020.
Global population of digital buyers will surpass 2 billion people by 2020.
Ubcoin Marketplace Product
  • Cryptocurrency mass adoption
    We promote mass adoption of digital assets that are both a means of settlement and an investment vehicle, thereby enlarging benefits for all parties to everyday buy-and-sell interactions.
  • Peer-to-peer interaction
    Cut out as many intermediaries from the value chain, as possible. The platform facilitates smart contract execution between independent parties. The Ubcoin Marketplace does not own any goods for sale, it is not biased in its search results, and protects fairness of smart contracts.
  • Legal marketplace
    We pay special attention to ensuring the legitimacy of goods and services sold on the Ubcoin marketplace. We are developing an advanced AI technology to help pre-screen seller postings for any potential infringements of reason, morality, safety and due care. Seller profile transparency and verification will be strongly encouraged and promoted.
  • Decentralization of transactions and settlements
    Blockchain allows for decentralized initiation, settlement and fulfillment of transactions. Payments are immediate upon performance under carefully crafted smart contracts.
  • Impeccable interface
    Our interface design brings a harmonious and seamless experience of buying and selling goods globally. We will strive to open our API to the community in order to develop the best adaptation of the platforms for specific local needs of the global community.
  • Open community
    Some transactions may, in the future, require additional KYC/AML procedures for execution of smart contracts for certain types of deals involving third-party providers (i.e. delivery companies, couriers, notaries). Ubcoin platform envisions seamless engagement of these parties.
How Does Ubcoin Work?
As far as it goes — every second smart phone sold in CIS countries comes pre-packed with the UBank application already pre-installed onboard. UBank is one of the most common default applications and the next phase is the creation of the Ubcoin Market in the already existing Ubank application. That naturally means, there will almost instantly be over two and a half million users with the app installed on their phone.
As of today, Ubank already has the inside understanding on how to treat investors the right way and also deliver them the promises they make. With more than 16 million people who have downloaded the app on a worldwide basis, they know what they’re doing. And out of those more than 16 million downloads, over 5 million of them are now registered users who are actively using the app. On top of that, more than 20 million transactions are processed by Ubank’s system every year since the year of 2013. That’s a steady, consistent user base that has been happening for more than 5 years now.
The ecosystem for Ubank is designed for exchanging goods to turn them into cryptocurrency and then back again if need be. The platform and application are successfully bridging the gap that has existed between the real world and cryptocurrency.
The Ubcoin marketplace is where the bridging of the gap is happening. It’s the next leap moving forward for the Ubank application. And now they are one of the leading mobile payment applications in Eastern Europe.
Thanks to the Ethereum Blockchain technology, and i’s security plus efficiency, the exchanging and trading of the UBC cryptocurrency is working better than ever. This is also improved due to the peer to peer based smart contracts that are making the platform even more attractive for the users on it. It works great for buying goods with cryptocurrency and vice versa. Ubcoin’s Marketplace is soon going to become a part of the Ubank Application as a new feature.
This will hopefully encourage the mass adoption of the app as they promote it along with the digital assets that are a mean for investing and a means to create settlements both. The peer to peer interaction will be used to cut out as many of the intermediaries as possible. And the platform in turn will also help to facilitate the execution of simple yet advanced smart contracts that operate between two different independent parties involved.
It’s ideally going to help turn it into a legal marketplace complete with AI technology that is going to be used to pre-screen the posting placed by sellers to protect people from possible infringements of reason, morality, safety and ultimately quality, well deserved care for all parties involved.
Now, as if this isn’t enough — the platform will also give users the opportunities to truly benefit from the decentralized network. The initiation and settlement of the company and the successful fulfillment of transactions as well as payments are going to immediately increase upon the performance running under the smart contracts.
It’s a very durable, reliable and downright impeccable interface that is designed to bring harmony as well as the seamless experience of buying and selling real goods online all over the world.
With the open community, the goal has been striving to open their API, so as to develop the best adaptations of the platform being idealized for the specific local needs of the users. They also have a vision of improving engagement of different third-party providers like delivery companies and notaries. You can download the application on the app store or get it on Google.
Token Details
Token - UBC
Platform - Ethereum
PreICO price1 UBC = 0.00005 ETH
Price in ICO1 UBC = 0.00009 ETH
Limited Private Pre-Sale 57 %
Stage 1, 2 -21 April 29 %
Stage 1, 22 April - 11 May 14 %
Tokens for sale2,000,000,000

For more information, please visit the links below;Website: Paper:||Facebook: https: // :;u=16228

 LOL ecosystem is solely designed to empower the World  PRESENTATION Th first thing i feel i need to let my readers know ...